10x Your Team with Cam & Otis

Ep. 36: Perpetual Entrepreneuring with Tom Matzen

Camden and Otis Season 1 Episode 36

Master Class 30 March 2020 registration Link https://masterclass.entrepreneurempowerment.org/profit-from-chaos/?cookieUUID=7d6f7124-4223-41a9-887b-5b764154e065
Tom has started some 82 businesses of his own, and has made more mistakes on his own businesses already than most people make in a lifetime. He has made and lost millions, several times over. Seven have been to seven figures and beyond.

More importantly, his personal coaching clients have generated more than one hundred million in sales in dozens of industries.

Tom is an international best-selling author with 162,000 copies sold and is a seminar presenter that has been able to share his message of business success & failure to more than 100,000 people on four continents. 

Learn more at http://www.TomMatzen.com/

Tom lives in on a small island called Bowen Island, just outside Vancouver on Canada's West Coast, and has an enthusiastic thirteen year old son called Tyler.